About this class
Welcome to the Year 5 page
General Information
Home Learning
Homework tasks will be brought home every week by your child.
Each child will also have their own Times Table Rock Stars Login which will support them in becoming fluent in their knowledge of multiplication facts.
We use the Accelerated Reader programme to accurately assess your child's reading levels and ensure that they are bringing home appropriate texts. Please make sure that your child brings their reading book and record book to school with them every day. We ask that the read at home at least three times a week.
Spellings are set and sent home every week and are tested in class the following week.
Children in Orcas have PE on a Monday and Tuesday.
Children in Stingrays have PE on a Monday and Thursday
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us,
The Year 5 Team
Meet the team
Year 5 Termly overview
These are the topics we will be studying in year 5.
Autumn Term-
Geography-Natural Disasters
Science- Properties of Materials, Ocean Science Principle 3
Spring Term-
History- Mayans
Science- Space, Forces
Summer Term-
History- Anglo Saxon Britain
Science- Habitats, Animals including Humans