
All pupils will leave Eggbuckland Vale Primary School with the skills and knowledge to know ‘who they are and where they are in the world’. They will have a sense of place and purpose to thrive in a multicultural, diverse society.

"Exceptional aspiration for all is at the heart of the curriculum. Pupils love to learn. This is because the curriculum is inspiring." Ofsted, 2025

Our curriculum aims

Our curriculum will empower our children to be happy, independent and ambitious. They will be successful learners who demonstrate curiosity of the world, the past and the life around them.

Our brilliant curriculum, including our pioneering Ocean Conservation Curriculum, inspires and challenges our children to be highly engaged and love their learning and to achieve all that they can.

We are highly invested in Curriculum development as we believe that getting our curriculum right is the key to the success of our pupils, both now and in the future.

Our curriculum is inclusive and we are proud of how accessible it is. We adapt units of work appropriately so that it is accessible for our pupils with disabilities or special educational needs. We comply with our duties in the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. Please see the relevant documents in the policies section of the website.


All pupils will leave Eggbuckland Vale Primary School with the skills and knowledge to know ‘who they are and where they are in the world’. They will have a sense of place and purpose to thrive in a multicultural, diverse society. 

Our curriculum will empower our children to be happy, independent and ambitious.They will be successful thinkers and learners who demonstrate curiosity of the world, the past and the life around them.

We are an inclusive community of learners and a trauma informed school; the curriculum is designed to support this rationale, where pupils achieve their potential regardless of need or barrier. We celebrate diversity so that they grow up committed to equal opportunities for all. The use of British Sign Language (BSL) permeates the school.

The curriculum enables pupils to have respect for themselves and high self-esteem, and to live and work cooperatively with others.


Our curriculum is broad and balanced, providing our children with purposeful and meaningful learning activities, underpinned by the National Curriculum. The school’s curriculum is planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before. The youngest children learn about their nearest locality and most recent events in their living memories. Global, national and local events and significant figures are incorporated into the curriculum to ensure that pupils develop an understanding of society: past and present. All units are designed through a series of enquiry questions, building up to answering an overarching enquiry with clearly defined outcomes.  We develop assessment capable learners, enabling misconceptions to be addressed, therefore building and securing long term memory.

The curriculum is implemented through the use of:

  • The National Curriculum
  • The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum
  • White Rose (Maths)
  • Accelerated Reader (Reading)
  • Essential letters and sounds (phonics)
  • Kapow! (PSHE)
  • NCCE (Computing)
  • Cambridgeshire (PE)
  • Language Angels (MFL)
  • SACRE (RE)
  • Trust Ocean Curriculum
  • BSL (All pupils have the opportunity to learn sign through clubs and assemblies) 

Pupils are encouraged to develop positive learning dispositions (Resourceful, Open, Aspirational, Resilient and Reflective). This is reinforced through assemblies, class discussion, PSHE lessons and through the use of our feedback policy.

The curriculum reflects the school’s context by addressing typical gaps in pupils’ knowledge and skills:

  • Early identification of children’s varied starting points.
  • Tailored support to ensure children make rapid and sustained progress, e.g. speech and language therapy, ELSA, social skills groups, vocabulary development.
  • The curriculum is sufficiently adapted to meet the needs of SEND pupils.
  • Skills are taught in a progressive manner that is relevant to the context of the school.

We place a strong emphasis on the development of the basic skills and their application in a range of contexts necessary to be confident and independent thinkers and learners. We agree a long-term plan for subject. This provides an overview of what topics and themes are to be taught in each term.

Planning identifies the sequence of learning. It builds on prior knowledge and includes disciplinary skills and substantive knowledge of each subject.


The impact of the curriculum is measured in standards achieved, progress made, and personal qualities acquired. The impact of our curriculum is seen in:

  • Pupils produce work of a consistent high standard.
  • Pupils make positive progress from their given start points.
  • Pupils achieve well in the standard assessment tasks when compared to the national benchmarks.
  • Pupils enjoy memorable, worthwhile experiences developing their ability to become global citizens.
  • Pupils experience high quality teaching and successfully achieve their end points.
  • Pupils display the schools learning dispositions (ROARR) and are ambitious about their own successes.
  • Pupils use assessments as a tool to accelerate their own progress (assessment capable learners).
  • Adults and pupils enjoy learning together and demonstrates positive relationships in any situation.
  • Pupils feel secure so they can express their feelings with confidence.
How can we help?
Whether you’re considering Eggbuckland Vale Primary School for your child, or they’re already a pupil with us, feel welcome to ask us anything.
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