Key Information

Explore the important documents and details from Eggbuckland Vale about our school admissions arrangements, financial matters and our official policies.


Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you would like to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office.

SEND Information

How we support pupils with special educational needs or disabilities.

View our SEND page for more information.


Our strategy and procedure to ensure the welfare of pupils at Eggbuckland Vale Primary School.


The range of subjects and topics we deliver to our pupils.

View our Curriculum page for more information.


We are delighted that you are interested in joining Eggbuckland Vale Primary School. We are very proud of our school and the happy environment we have created.

Consultation on admission arrangements 2026/2027. We will be consulting on our admission arrangements for 2026/2027 through Plymouth City Council. The consultation will be live between Monday 2 December 2024 and Sunday 12 January 2025. If you wish to find out about our policy or make any comment, please visit Consultation on school admission arrangements | PLYMOUTH.GOV.UK

Pupil Premium

A support programme to improve outcomes for disadvantaged pupils.

PE and Sport Premium

Our vision statement for PE and School sport at EVPS is to provide a programme of physical activity that is broad and wide-ranging and designed to include all levels of ability.

The information below gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.

We are proud to be a platinum school

Full detail of the opportunities provided by the Plymouth SSP

School Improvement Plan

Eggbuckland Vale’s priorities for making progress in learning, behaviour, attendance and leadership.

Equality and Accessibility

At Eggbuckland Vale, we are committed to ensuring equality of provision throughout the school community. To achieve this, our equality objectives are as follows:

  • To allow equal access to information for all stakeholders.
  • Monitor and analyse pupil achievement by race, gender and disability and act on any trends or patterns in the data that require additional support for pupils.
  • To deliver a broad and balanced curriculum, that provides opportunities for all pupils to achieve the highest standards of education, using specialist programmes and dedicated resources to support pupils who need it the most. We will deliver a programme of assemblies, outside visitors and educational visits to promote the ethos of equality to pupils and help pupils develop good relationships with people of different characteristics.
  • Diminish the difference between groups of pupils.
  • To raise awareness regarding all types of bullying.
  • Raise attainment for of pupils from vulnerable families such as service family pupils, free school meals/pupil premium pupils.
  • Ensure all pupils are given the opportunity to make a positive contribution to the life of the school e.g. through involvement in the School Council, class assemblies, fund raising, after school clubs etc.
  • Work positively to improve the outcomes for all BAME pupils.
  • To increase attendance of groups of children across the school.

Our policies to ensure fair opportunities for everyone at Eggbuckland Vale.

Ofsted Report

We are thrilled that Eggbuckland Vale Primary School was judged as outstanding in all areas in January 2025.

Please use the link below to read the published report.


How Eggbuckland Vale is organised, managed and monitored.

View our Governance page for more information.

Remote Information

How our pupils can access learning resources at home.

How can we help?
If you’d like to know more about what Eggbuckland Vale Primary School has to offer, we’d love to hear from you.
Get in touch