About this class
Welcome to the Year 4 page
You will find all of the things you should need to know for the year to support your child thriving in Year 4.
Meet the team
General Information
Home learning
Home learning will be given out every Friday and expected to be returned by the following Friday. It will consist of home reading, learning the weekly spellings and some times table practise.
Reading is integral to children's education and so we encourage them to read at home every day and expect there to be at least 3 home reading sessions recorded in their Reading Records. We use the Accelerated Reader system and so once children have read their books at least twice (dependent upon length and complexity of book) they will be able to take a quiz in school which will test their understanding of what they have read.
Children will be given weekly spellings to learn, in line with the Year 4 curriculum. These will come home on a Friday in paper form and will also be accessible via Spelling Shed. The children will be tested on the spellings each Friday and their scores will be recorded in their Reading Record books.
Times tables facts
The national expectation for Year 4 is that ALL children will know every times table fact from 1x1 to 12x12 by heart and with instant recall. The Government have introduced a national assessment of this skill.
As a school, we build in practise of multiplication facts into our daily learning, but regular support and practise at home has a huge effect on the progress your child will make in this area. Playing on TT Rockstars is a fun way to learn and enhance the knowledge of the times tables, making all of their maths skills much quicker and more accurate. The only way to embed this essential skill is to repeatedly practise them. Just a few minutes learning them each day will have a massive impact. Our best mathematicians know all of their tables by heart and it will be invaluable for moving into Year 5 and beyond. To encourage regular use of TT Rockstars there will also be regular competitions held between the classes and certain groups of children. We hope that you encourage the children to take part.
PE days
Children in Clownfish have PE on a Tuesday and Thursday.
Children in Seahorses have PE on a Monday and Wednesday.
Please could the children come to school in their PE kits on their PE days.
Year 4 Termly Curriculum Overview
Autumn Term:
History- Ancient Greeks
Science- Habitats and Sound
Spring Term:
Geography- Comparison study of South West England and the Pyrenees
Science- Electricity and States of Matter
Summer Term:
History- Romans
Science- Food chains, digestion and teeth