Year 5

In Year 5 at Eggbuckland Vale, our Year 5 pupils build skills, knowledge and confidence through collaborative projects, critical thinking exercises, and real-world problem solving.

About this class

Welcome to the Year 5 page

General Information

Home Learning

Homework tasks will be brought home every week by your child.

Each child will also have their own Times Table Rock Stars Login which will support them in becoming fluent in their knowledge of multiplication facts.


We use the Accelerated Reader programme to accurately assess your child's reading levels and ensure that they are bringing home appropriate texts. Please make sure that your child brings their reading book and record book to school with them every day. We ask that the read at home at least three times a week.


Spellings are set and sent home every week and are tested in class the following week.


Children in Orcas have PE on a Monday and Tuesday.

Children in Stingrays have PE on a Monday and Thursday

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us,

The Year 5 Team                               


Meet the team

Mrs Gina Brown

Mrs Gina Brown

Teaching Assistant, MTA, After School Club
Mrs Jacqueline Leary

Mrs Jacqueline Leary

Teaching Assistant
Mrs Sam Cambridge

Mrs Sam Cambridge

Teaching Assistant, MTA
Mrs Sarah Angle

Mrs Sarah Angle

Teaching Assistant
Mrs Caroline Thomas

Mrs Caroline Thomas

Class Teacher, English Lead, KS2 Lead
Miss Jane Tennant

Miss Jane Tennant

Class Teacher


Year 5 Termly overview

These are the topics we will be studying in year 5.

How can we help?
If there's anything else you'd like to know or need guidance with, we're here.
Get in touch