
History at EVPS is a key driving force within our curriculum, which states that all pupils will leave Eggbuckland Vale Primary School with the skills and knowledge to know who they are and where they are in the world. They will have a sense of place and purpose to thrive in a multicultural, diverse society.

About this curriculum


At Eggbuckland Vale we inspire in children a curiosity about the past, incorporating significant events and periods of local, British and world history and finding relevance to our present day lives. Through enquiry learning, all children, regardless of need or barrier, will develop the disciplinary skills of enquiry, investigation, analysis, and evaluation, using these skills to identify and understand the changes that have taken place in Britain and the wider world over time.



Enquiry learning is embedded across the History curriculum, facilitating an investigative approach that works towards the answering of an over-arching question. This gives children the opportunity to demonstrate the disciplinary skills of a historian through active tasks such as creating timelines and handling replica artefacts. The introduction of substantive concepts will enable children to make thematic links between topics.


Curriculum coverage:

Children in Years 1-6 study a minimum of one History unit, comprising of 12 components (which can be lessons or outcomes).

Our youngest children in EYFS are introduced to the concept of their immediate past. In Year 1, children make connections between the past and present in the context of transport and toys. In Year 2, the children learn about a significant event beyond living memory, as well as exploring local history with relevance to significant individuals (the explorers Sir Francis Drake and Captain Scott). In lower KS2, prehistoric history and ancient civilisations are introduced. In upper KS2, children develop their understanding of ancient civilisations in a non-European context (the Maya) as well as British history in the context of Saxons and Vikings, the Victorians and World War Two Plymouth.



Our children will be confident, young historians, applying their skills and concepts in a variety of contexts to independently answer over-arching, historical questions. They will have developed a broad understanding of subject specific language which they can use and apply independently. Our children will have a passion for History and will have developed a curiosity about the subject that stretches beyond the curriculum.