
Geography at EVPS is a key driving force of our curriculum, which states that all pupils will leave Eggbuckland Vale Primary School with the skills and knowledge to know who they are and where they are in the world. They will have a sense of place and purpose to thrive in a multicultural, diverse society.

About this curriculum


At Eggbuckland Vale Primary School, we want children, regardless of need or barrier, to develop a sense of connection and empathy with their immediate surroundings and the wider world, demonstrating curiosity about the world’s human and physical features.

All children will have the opportunity to engage in active and enquiry learning, making sense of the world and developing aspirations for a sustainable future.



The geography curriculum is delivered through an enquiry based approach, based upon an over-arching question giving children the opportunity to take ownership of their learning through active tasks such as fieldwork, using resources to help answer enquiry questions. Children are taught how to use maps and atlases and are given opportunities to visit places in our locality to conduct fieldwork. Knowledge organisers are used to support pupils in making connections with prior learning and to support them in embedding new knowledge into their long term memory.


Curriculum coverage:

Each year group studies a minimum of one Geography unit, comprising of 12 components (which can be lessons or outcomes).

Our youngest children in EYFS explore their immediate and nearest locations. The scope of learning expanding in Year 1 and 2 to include Plymouth and the UK, as well as contrast between the South-West and a similar region in a non-European country. In lower KS2, the children take part in fieldwork in the local area and contrast Plymouth with a European region. In upper KS2, children develop their knowledge of place and human geography, as well as using maps and data for interpretation and analysis.     



Our children will be confident, young geographers, applying their skills and concepts in a variety of contexts to independently answer big geographical questions. They will have developed a broad understanding of subject specific language which they can use and apply. Our children will have a passion for Geography and will develop curiosity that stretches beyond the curriculum.